Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María



Graduates of Civil Engineering in Physics are professionals with a solid background in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). The rigorous training and mastery of the basic fundamentals of the discipline allow the students to combine theoretical, experimental and applied physics in the resolution of specific problems in productive, technological and industrial areas, developing efficient and sustainable solutions over time. In the generation of solutions, they will be able to apply and interrelate specific areas of physics together with their administrative and management skills, being able to undertake, innovate, research, design, develop, implement and/or transfer both knowledge and technologies to achieve solutions that contribute to add value to companies and their processes. In addition, students will have a comprehensive training, which will allow them to develop in national and international interdisciplinary environments, being able to integrate work teams in their areas of development, with the transversal skills that are the hallmark of the Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María. It is important to highlight that graduate of Civil Engineering in Physics will be able to continue postgraduate studies and/or postgraduate degrees both in the country and abroad, in areas of knowledge related to their discipline.

  • Professional Degree: Civil Engineer in Physics
  • Academic Degree: Bachelor of Science in Engineering
  • Duration: 5.5 years (11 academic semesters)
  • Study regime: Daytime
  • Location: Main Campus, Valparaiso and San Joaquin Campus
  • Visit the website of the Physics Department


1º Semestre
  • Algebra and Geometry
  • Introduction to Calculus
  • Introduction to Physics
  • Introduction to Engineering
  • Programming
  • Physical Education I
  • English Language I
2º Semestre
  • Linear Algebra
  • Calculation of a variable
  • General Physics I
  • Chemistry and Society
  • Physical Education II
  • English Language II
3º Semestre
  • Mathematics III
  • General Physics III
  • Scientific Instrumentation
  • Basic Chemistry
  • Elective sports
4º Semestre
  • Mathematics IV
  • General Physics II
  • Experimental Physics
  • Intermediate Mechanics I
  • English IV or Humanistic Subject II
5º Semestre
  • Numerical Analysis
  • General Physics IV
  • Fundamentals of Electronics
  • Advanced Programming for Science
  • Business Administration
6º Semestre
  • Quantum Physics I
  • Electromagnetic Fields I
  • Fundamentals of Applied Thermodynamics
  • Methods of Mathematical Physics
7º Semestre
  • Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics
  • Modern Spectroscopy and Optics
  • Fluid Mechanics
  • Computational Physics
  • Financial Mathematics and Information
8º Semestre
  • Astro engineering Instrumentation
  • Humanist Subject III
  • Matter and Energy Transfer Processes
  • Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of Complex Systems
  • Project Evaluation
9º Semestre
  • Introduction to Condensed Matter
  • Fundamentals of Renewable Energies
  • Technological Innovation Management
  • Fundamentals of Quantum Technologies
  • Optimization
10º Semestre
  • Degree Seminar
  • Main Training Line
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Elective Subject or Training Line
  • Elective Subject or Training Line
11º Semestre
  • Degree Project
  • Principal Training Line
  • Elective Subject or Training Line

Training Lines

The curricular structure of Civil Engineering in Physics includes 6 main lines of training or specialization.  Each line is structured by a main subject, which introduces the technical bases and theoretical foundations of the specialty, and two in-depth subjects of the training line. All main subjects are compulsory, which ensures that students develop the considered graduation profile.

In the degree process, students must develop at least one main line of study, being able to complement their professional training through 3 elective subjects offered by the Physics Department, by other academic units of the USM, or with graduate or postgraduate courses of our university, thus generating an effective academic articulation. 

Líneas formativas de especialización o profundización ICF
Line of innovation and entrepreneurship
Design Thinking*
Formulation and Evaluation of Innovation Projects*
Modeling Line
Fundamentals of Quantum Technologies
Quantum Technologies I*
Quantum Technologies II*
Instrumentation Line
Astro engineering Instrumentation
Automatic Control and Robotics*
Innovation in Instrumentation Workshop*
Renewable Energy Line
Fundamentals of Renewable Energies
Non-Conventional Renewable Energies
Renewable Energy Generation Workshop*
Industrial Process Line
Matter and Energy Transfer Processes
Transport Phenomena*
Industry Process Modeling Workshop*
Material Lines
Introduction to Condensed Matter
Introduction to Materials Science
Advanced Materials and Nanomaterials*

*Subjects to be developed by the specialists in each area.


Main Subject 

1st Line of study 

2nd Line of study 

Instrumentation line 

Astro engineering Instrumentation (ICF210) 

Automatic Control and Robotics (ICF211) 

Innovation in Instrumentation Workshop (ICF212) 

Line of Materials 

Introduction to Condensed Matter (FIS251) 

Introduction to Materials Science (ICF220) 

Innovation in Instrumentation Workshop (ICF212) 

Line of Industrial Processes 

Matter and Energy Transfer Processes (ICF230) 

Transport Phenomena (IQA230*) 

Industry Process Modeling Workshop (ICF231) 

Line of Renewable Energies 

Fundamentals of Renewable Energies (ICF260) 

Non-Conventional Renewable Energies (ICF261) 

Renewable Energy Generation Workshop (ICF262) 

Line of Modeling 

Fundamentals of Quantum Technologies (ICF240) 

Quantum Technologies (ICF241) 


Quantum Technologies II (ICF242) 

Line of Innovation and Entrepreneurship 

Entrepreneurship (ICF251) 

Design Thinking (ICF252) 

Formulation and Evaluation of Innovation Projects (ICF251) 

In addition, the Department of Architecture offers:

  1. Master’s degree in science, major in Physics

Areas of specialization:

  1. Condensed matter
  2. Fields and particles

Accredited for 6 years, until 2023, Agencia Acredita Qualitas. Daytime, presence based at Main Campus, Valparaíso.

  1. Doctorate in Physical Sciences. USM-PUCV Joint program.

Areas of specialization:

  1. Fields and Particles, Theoretical and Experimental (USM)
  2. Theoretical and Experimental Condensed Material (USM)
  3. Astrophysics, Cosmology and Gravitation, Theoretical (PUCV)
  4. Complex Systems, Theoretical and Experimental (PUCV)

Accredited for 9 years, until 2028, Agencia Acredita CNA. Daytime, presence based at Main Campus, Valparaíso.