Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María

Special Admission Process

USM recognizes the diversity of talents and merits of its applicants, therefore the USM enabled the admission via a Special Admission Process, which allows access to a study program without the need to obtain a score in the University Transition Test. It should be noted that our University recommends taking the admission test, since some ministerial benefits are linked to it.

USM’s Special Admission Process allows admission to the first year and intermediate level to graduates of the Technical University programs offered by the University, Chileans or foreigners who have completed their high school studies (or equivalent) abroad and people who have achieved outstanding the first year and intermediate level to graduates of the Technical University programs offered by the University, Chileans or foreigners who have completed their high school studies (or equivalent) abroad and people who have achieved outstanding.

NEM Requirements for Special Admission

The USM has established the following High School Grades (NEM) for the application for its careers via Special Admission:

  • 5.2 for 4-year engineering programs..
  • 5.5 for 5-year engineering programs (Product Design Engineering, Architecture; Commercial Aviation Engineering, Civil Construction, Commercial Engineering).
  • 6.0 for civil engineering.
  • 6.25 for Bachelor of Science in Physics and Bachelor of Science in Astrophysics.

Basic requirements for the 2022 Special Admission Process:

  • Valid identity card
  • High School Grades Certificate
  • High School License
  • Copy of the Enrollment Card

It is important to review the details, requirements and conditions of each Special Admission mode and prepare the documentation in time. The application process is 100% online and can be done at https://admision.usm.cl/.

The types and names of the Special Admission in effect for the 2022 admission process are as follows:

Applicants with Previous Studies
Admission from other Higher Education Institutions (IES)
Admission through Recognition of Previous Studies (RAP) USM
Articulation Admission
Admission for Outstanding Applicants
NEM (High-School Grades) Special Admission
Admission for Outstanding Athletes
Admission for Women Leaders
Admission for Young Entrepreneurs
Explora Conicyt - Unesco Applicants
Explora Conicyt - Unesco Admission
USM Programs Applicants
Technical Preliminary Program (PPT) Admission
Preliminary Engineering Program (PPI) Admission
Science, Technology, Engineering y Mathematics (STEM) Admission
Applicants with Recognition of Studies Abroad
Admission with programs studied abroad (High School, B1, BAC, ECS, DIAP, ABITUR)
Equity Programs Applicants
Effective Accompaniment and Access Program (PACE) Admission
Academic Excellence Scholarship (BEA) Admission
"Ex Umbra in Solem” Propaedeutic Program Admission Direct
Direct Admission
Admission to Technical University Careers
Admission to Evening Study Programs

Description and Requirements for Special Admission

Applicants with Previous Studies
Admission from other Higher Education Institutions (IES)
This admission process allows students who have studied in other national or foreign Higher Education Institutions to apply. It is focused on first year or intermediate level students who have achieved outstanding results in their institutions, thus guaranteeing that they will be able to successfully complete university studies.
First year admission requirements
  • Applying through the portal admision.usm.cl.
  • Copy of Identity Card both sides.
  • Not having failed more than 20% of the subjects taken at the institution of higher education of origin.
  • Having a grade average equal to or higher than 65 (scale of 1 to 100) or 5,0 (scale of 1 to 7).
  • Transcript of grades certified by the corresponding university authority, which must record all the subjects taken, passed, failed and their weighted average.
  • Certificate from the institution of origin indicating that there is no impediment to continue studies in the career of origin in that institution.
Admission requirements to Intermediate levels
  • Applying through the portal admision.usm.cl.
  • Copy of Identity Card both sides.
  • Not having failed more than 20% of the subjects taken at the institution of higher education of origin.
  • Having a grade average equal to or higher than 65 (scale of 1 to 100) or 5,0 (scale of 1 to 7).
  • Being enrolled in a study program related to the career the student is applying for.
  • Programs of the subjects taken, duly certified by the competent authority, with indication of texts, guides, number of hours per week of exposition of subjects and/or other indications that allow to establish at what level, depth and extension they have been developed.
  • Transcript of grades certified by the corresponding university authority, which must record all the subjects taken, passed, failed and their weighted average.
  • Certificate from the institution of origin indicating that there is no impediment to continue studies in the career of origin in that institution.
Careers that can be entered through this admission process

Ingreso a primer año: Todas las carreras impartidas en la USM.

Ingreso a nivel intermedio: Excluye carreras Técnicas Universitarias.

USM Admission Scholarships

Does not apply

Admission by Recognition of Prior Learning (RAP)
In order to promote the educational trajectory between different educational levels, students who have graduated from high school up to 7 years prior to their application are allowed to apply, establishing their recognition of prior learning. This admission process focuses on applicants who have achieved learning results associated with their work experience (informal training) or training courses (non-formal training).
  • Applying through the portal admision.usm.cl.
  • Copy of Identity Card on both sides.
  • High School License.
  • Average NEM (High School Grades) from 1st to 4th year higher than 5,0.
  • RAP Approval Certificate issued by USM.
Careers that can be entered through this admission process

All Technical University careers taught at the USM under RAP program:

  • University Technician in Automotive Mechanics
  • University Technician in Industrial Mechanics
  • University Technician in Industrial Maintenance
  • University Technician in Construction
  • University Technician in Electricity
  • University Technician in Electronics*
  • University Technician in Telecommunications and Networks*
USM Admission Scholarship
First-Year Academic Merit Scholarship for new students via Centralized Special Admission Process
USM Articulation Admission
Admission process focused on students graduated from Technical University programs offered by the University and who have continuity to a professional career.
  • Applying through the portal admision.usm.cl.
  • Copy of Identity Card on both sides.
  • Certificate of a USM University Technical Degree.
Careers that can be entered through this admission process
All the study programs offered at USM
USM Admission Scholarship
First-Year Academic Merit Scholarship for new students via Centralized Special Admission Process
Admission for Outstanding Applicants
NEM Special Admission
The NEM (High School Grades) special admission process seeks to provide an opportunity of admission to the USM to students who graduated from High School up to one year prior to their application, recognizing their academic performance during their High School, considering only their NEM and being registered to take the University Selection Test corresponding to the year of admission to which they are applying
  • Applying through the portal admision.usm.cl.
  • Copy of Identity Card on both sides.
  • High School License.
  • High school transcript certifying the NEM (High School Grades) requirement for Special Admission according to the career to which you are applying.
  • Copy of current University Transition Test (UTT) enrollment card.
  • Not being a regular USM student.
Careers that can be entered through this admission process
All 4-year, 5-year and civil engineering study programs taught at USM. (Excludes only the admission to technical careers).
USM Admission Scholarship
First-year scholarship for academic merit for new students via centralized special admission
USM Outstanding Athlete Admission Process
Special admission process focused on students who have graduated from High School up to 1 year prior to their application, who have had an excellent sports career during their High School, participating in sports offered at the University, and at the Campus to which they are applying. Check the disciplines of each Campus here..
  • Applying through the portal admision.usm.cl.
  • Copy of Identity Card on both sides.
  • High School License.
  • High school transcript certifying the NEM (High School Grades) requirement for Special Admission according to the career to which you are applying.
  • Motivation Letter.
  • Certification of outstanding athlete in any of the sports recognized as "sports branch" by the USM.
Careers that can be entered through this admission process
All the study programs offered at USM
USM Admission Scholarship
First-year scholarship for academic merit for new students via centralized special admission
Elite Trainee Athlete Admission
Special admission process focused on students graduating from High School, who have had a sporting career of excellence during their High School, participating in high performance sports and with international projection, with a systematic practice and high demand in their respective specialty and in training as an Elite athlete in sports practiced at the University, or at the Campus to which they apply or others.
  • Applying through the portal admision.usm.cl.
  • Copy of Identity Card on both sides.
  • High School License.
  • High school transcript certifying the NEM (High School Grades) requirement for Special Admission according to the career to which you are applying.
  • Motivation Letter.
  • Certification of Elite Athlete in Training any of the sports recognized by the USM or others.
Careers that can be entered through this admission process
All the study programs offered at USM
USM Admission Scholarship
First-year scholarship for academic merit for new students via centralized special admission
Admission for Women Leaders
In order to encourage the admission of women in the area of engineering, science and technology, this special admission process is available to female students who have graduated from high school up to one year prior to their application and who stand out in areas of national or international development such as innovation, entrepreneurship, leadership, social responsibility and the environment, sports, artistic talent and scientific or ICT talent.
  • Applying through the portal admision.usm.cl.
  • Copy of Identity Card on both sides.
  • High School License.
  • High school transcript certifying the NEM (High School Grades) requirement for Special Admission according to the career to which you are applying.
  • Copy of the University Transition Test (CTT) enrollment card.
  • Motivation Letter.
  • Letter of Recommendation from the Director of the institution from which she graduated o Letter of Recommendation from an institution or organization that accredits or supports the condition of outstanding applicant in the field. Certificates or Diplomas of awards or distinctions obtained during her corresponding career path.
Careers that can be entered through this admission process
All the study programs offered at USM
USM Admission Scholarship
First-year scholarship for academic merit for new students via centralized special admission
Admission for Elite Athletes
Special admission process focused on students graduating from High School, who have had a sporting career of excellence during their High School, participating in high performance sports and with international projection, with a systematic practice and high demand in their respective specialty and recognized as an Elite athlete by the Olympic Committee of Chile (COCH), participating in sports practiced at the University, or at the Campus to which they apply or others.
  • Applying through the portal admision.usm.cl.
  • Copy of Identity Card on both sides.
  • High School License.
  • High school transcript certifying the NEM (High School Grades) requirement for Special Admission according to the career to which you are applying.
  • Motivation Letter.
  • Certification of Outstanding Athlete any of the sports recognized as an Elite athlete by the Olympic Committee of Chile (COCH).
Careers that can be entered through this admission process
All the study programs offered at USM
USM Admission Scholarship
First-year scholarship for academic merit for new students via centralized special admission
Admission for Young Entrepreneurs
In order to encourage the admission of young entrepreneurs, this special admission process is available to students who have graduated from high school up to one year prior to their application and who stand out in the development of innovative projects focused on creating solutions that provide social and/or economic value through the use of technology at a national or international level.
  • Applying through the pre-registration portal
  • Copy of Identity Card both sides
  • High School License
  • Certification of High School Transcripts
  • Copy of University Transition Test (PDT) Enrollment Card
  • Motivation Letter
  • Letter of Recommendation from the Director of the institution from which she graduated or Letter of Recommendation from an institution or organization that accredits or supports the condition of outstanding applicant in the field or Certificates or Diplomas of awards or distinctions obtained during her corresponding career path.
Careers that can be entered through this admission process
All the study programs offered at USM
USM Admission Scholarship
First-year scholarship for academic merit for new students via centralized special admission
Explora Conicyt - Unesco Applicants
Explora Conicyt - Unesco Admission
Special admission focused on high school students with outstanding scientific school career and selected through the Explora Conicyt - Unesco admission process.
  • Applying through the portal admision.usm.cl.
  • Copy of Identity Card on both sides.
  • High School License.
  • High school transcript certifying the NEM (High School Grades) requirement for Special Admission according to the career to which you are applying.
  • Accreditation of acceptance to Admission Process through the Explora Conicyt-Unesco Program.
Careers that can be entered through this admission process
All 4-year, 5-year and civil engineering study programs offered at USM. (excludes admission to technical careers)
USM Admission Scholarship
First-year scholarship for academic merit for new students via centralized special admission
USM Programs Applicants
Engineering Preliminary Program (PPI) Admission
Special admission process focused on students graduating from High School in the same year of their application and who have completed and passed the Engineering Preliminary Program (PPI) of the University.
  • Applying through the portal admision.usm.cl.
  • Copy of Identity Card on both sides.
  • High School License.
  • Certification of High School Transcripts.
  • Certification of approval of the Engineering Preliminary Program.
Careers that can be entered through this admission process
All 4-year, 5-year and civil engineering study programs offered at USM. (excludes admission to technical careers)
USM Admission Scholarship
First-year scholarship for academic merit for new students via centralized special admission
Stem Program (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Admission
Special admission process focused on students who have graduated from High School up to 1 year prior to their application and who have completed and passed the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Program of the University.
  • Applying through the portal admision.usm.cl.
  • Copy of Identity Card on both sides.
  • High School License.
  • High school transcript certifying the NEM (High School Grades) requirement for Special Admission according to the career to which you are applying.
  • Certification of approval of the STEM Program (Science, Technology, Engineering y Mathematics)
Careers that can be entered through this admission process
All 4-year, 5-year and civil engineering study programs offered at USM. (excludes admission to technical careers)
USM Admission Scholarship
First-year scholarship for academic merit for new students via centralized special admission
Foreign Applicants
Admission with programs studied abroad (High School, B1, BAC, ECS, DIAP, ABITUR)
This admission process allows enrollment to applicants who have completed their high school or equivalent studies abroad or who have taken and passed international exams that have an agreement with the University, such as the International Baccalaureate (IB), Baccalauréat (BAC), Esame Conclusivo di Stato (ECS) or Abitur (DIAP), as well as applicants who have passed the ABITUR exam or other international selection tests.
  • Applying through the portal admision.usm.cl.
  • Copy of Identity Card on both sides.
  • Certification of High School Studies abroad or accrediting the approval of the International Baccalaureate Program for which he/she is applying, or accrediting ABITUR score (IB score of at least 24, or a minimum BAC Scientific score of 10, or a minimum BAC Economic and Social score of 12, or a minimum score of 75 points in the Esame Conclusivo di Stato (ECS)).
  • Chilean applicants must certify their date of return to the country and foreign applicants must certify their date of entry.

NOTE: Taken the University Transition Test is not a requirement. However, if taken, the applicant must obtain the minimum score required by the USM for the study program of interest and apply to the USM in first preference..

Careers that can be entered through this admission process
All the study programs offered at USM
USM Admission Scholarship
First-year scholarship for academic merit for new students via centralized special admission
Equity Programs Applicants
Effective Accompaniment and Access Program (PACE) Admission
Special admission through equity programs focused on students graduating from High School in the same year of their application and who have completed and passed the Effective Accompaniment and Access Program (PACE).
The Effective Accompaniment and Access Program (PACE) Admission process is managed and informed by the Ministry of Education, for more information visit: pace.mineduc.cl
Careers that can be entered through this admission process
All the study programs offered at USM
USM Admission Scholarship
Does not apply

See PACE vacancies at pace.mineduc.cl

Academic Excellence Scholarship (BEA) Admission
Special admission through equity programs focused on students who graduated from high school during the same year of their application and who have the Academic Excellence Scholarship.
The Academic Excellence Scholarship (BEA) Admission process is managed and informed by the Ministry of Education, for more information, please visit: portal.beneficiosestudiantiles.cl/becas-y-creditos/beca-excelencia-academica-bea
Careers that can be entered through this admission process
All the study programs offered at USM
Scholarship awarded and informed by the Ministry of Education
“Ex Umbra in Solem" Propaedeutic Program Admission
Special admission through equity programs focused on students graduating from High School in the same year of their application and who have completed and passed the “Ex Umbra in Solem" Propaedeutic Program of the University.
  • Applying through the portal admision.usm.cl.
  • Copy of Identity Card on both sides.
  • High School License.
  • Certification of High School Transcripts.
  • Copy of the University Transition Test (UTT) enrollment card.
  • Certification of approval of the "Ex Umbra in Solem” Propaedeutic Program
Careers that can be entered through this admission process
All the study programs offered at USM
USM Admission Scholarship
Entrance Scholarship Propedeutic Program "Ex Umbra in Solem"

Formato Carta Motivación

Download the letter of motivation format (in spanish) here.

Calendario de Postulación, Aceptación y Matrícula estudiantes nuevos Vía Especial Regular

Grupos Postulaciones desde Fecha de cierre de postulaciones Resultados a partir del Matricula hasta
Grupo 1
20 de septiembre de 2021
10 de noviembre de 2021
17 de noviembre de 2021
13 de diciembre 2021
Grupo 2
11 de noviembre de 2021
1 de diciembre de 2021
6 de diciembre de 2021
24 de enero de 2022
Grupo 3
2 de diciembre de 2021
24 de enero de 2022
25 de enero de 2022
3 de febrero de 2022

Calendario de Postulación, Aceptación y Matrícula Admisión Especial estudiantes nuevos otras Instituciones de Educación Superior (IES) y Articulación USM:

Grupos Postulaciones desde Fecha de cierre de postulaciones Resultados a partir del Matricula hasta
Grupo 1
20 de septiembre de 2021
01 de diciembre de 2021
31 de diciembre de 2021
01 de marzo de 2022
Grupo 2
02 de diciembre de 2021
03 de enero de 2021
24 de enero de 2022
01 de marzo de 2022
Grupo 3
04 de enero de 2021
23 de febrero de 2022
01 de marzo de 2022
07 de marzo de 2022

Application Date:

As of October 13, 2021.

Important note:

The quotas and selection of applicants via Special Admission, as well as the definition of the types of channels available for the 2021 Admission, will be resolved by the Office of the Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, according to the regulations established by the USM for this process.

Selection of applicants:

  • The selection process will consider the selection of applicants to the Special Admission Process, and will publish the list of applicants ordered from highest to lowest Weighted Score obtained during the process according to the vacancies available for each channel.
  • The Weighted Score for Special Admission will be calculated according to the requirements of each type of application, as specified in the Definition of Admission Channels.
  • If there are applicants with the same weighted score, their Ranking Score will be applied as the second criterion.
  • The Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs will inform the interested party of the final decision.
  • Accepted applicants will be informed of the conditions of acceptance and the period in which they will be enrolled.

For more information, please send an email to [email protected], with your name, ID number, telephone number, career, campus or location of interest and inquiries.

Requirements and conditions may vary from one period to another. Stay informed by visiting usm.cl periodically.

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