Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María

Engineering in Occupational and Environmental Risk Prevention, with a Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering


University Professional with solid technological training to design, maintain and implement Integrated Management Systems in any type of organization. He/she has the capacity to respond quickly to change, and a leadership attitude and initiative to manage engineering projects in his specialty, through innovative and creative solutions, reducing human and material losses and environmental damage.

He/she also possesses sufficient competencies that allow him/her to perform efficiently in any company, institution, public or private service in our country, and in the Risk Prevention departments that are established in the companies, according to what is established in the legislation on the subject.

Aimed at

University Technicians or Higher-Level Technicians in the specialties of Risk Prevention.


Modular: Thursday and Friday evening classes from 18:30 to 21:30 hrs. and Saturday from 9:00 to 15:30 hrs.

  • Professional Degree: Engineer in Occupational and Environmental Risk Prevention, Bachelor's Degree in Occupational and Environmental Risk Prevention Engineering.
  • Duration: 3 years
  • Study regime: Evenings
  • Location: Viña del Mar Campus and San Joaquin Campus
  • Requirements: Having a Higher Technical Degree and related career


1st Semester
  • Physics
  • Engineering mathematics I
  • Applied chemistry
2nd Semester
  • Applied thermodynamics
  • Environmental chemistry
  • Ergonomics laboratory
  • Risk prevention at construction sites
  • Engineering mathematics II
3rd Semester
  • Quality management and control
  • Industrial hygiene laboratory
  • Human resources management
  • Thermal power plants
  • Insurance and property risks
  • Fluid mechanics
4th Semester
  • Environmental management
  • Innovation and entrepreneurship
  • Risk prevention in port and fishing facilities
  • Fundamentals of the environment
  • Hazard sciences
  • Industrial ventilation
5th Semester
  • Integrated management systems
  • Research methodology
  • Risk prevention in forestry operations
  • Emissions and waste management and treatment
  • Environmental legislation
  • Economics and finance
6th Semester
  • Risk prevention at mining sites
  • Project and degree
  • Project evaluation
  • Environmental hygiene laboratory

For more information, send an email to [email protected] indicating your name, ID Number, telephone number, study program, campus of interest and questions.

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